P1010112_3“So Jesus Christ died on a cross. What’s that got to do with me? He might have been a good person but I just don’t get it.”

I didn’t either, to begin with…. After all, being sentenced to die on a cross was a common punishment for serious crimes in Roman-occupied Judea 2000 years ago. In fact, they crucified two hardened criminals at the same time as Jesus on the Hill of Golgotha (the Hill of the Skulls).

“No”, I said to myself, “there has to be more to the story.” It’s been carried down for twenty centuries and solid enough to build the original foundations to Christianity today.

So why is this name, Jesus Christ, so… sacred? Many people, in Latin America especially, have Jesus as their first name (roughly pronounced “Hay-sus” in Spanish).  Years ago, I remember my surprise when meeting a young man named Jesus in Mexico! But all names have original meanings and in Hebrew the name Jesus means that God saves.

Christians are the followers of Jesus Christ. But did you think Christ was his last name? No, it described what made him stand out. They called him The Christ because he exuded a metaphysical source of power. The word Christ means The Anointed One. The verb anoint means to daub on a powerful substance.

Criss Angel
Criss Angel, Magician

In other words, They called him Jesus Christ because he didn’t act human! With supernatural, inexplicable power he did impossible things: healing people, walking on water, raising the dead. The crowds in the towns he visited saw magical miracles and remembered them. What would you think if our famous magicians today, like Criss Angel and David Blaine, were altruistically doing these kinds of tricks; healing the terminally ill and raising dead people from the graveyards?

Those who saw him do these things were convinced he was the son of an otherworldly being. Jesus Christ even stated he wasn’t from our world but came from “his Father” in heaven. Up in heaven? Today that means the celestial heavens, OUTER SPACE, like not in our galaxy!

Who do you think Jesus Christ was? If Jesus was somehow fathered (think: artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization) by a real God, a Higher-Intelligent-Being existing in outer space, then Jesus was the first genetically altered human being, a born hybrid, a God/man. Hey, if you believe in the Bible isn’t that what it says? Contemporary definitions just make it easier to believe! How else could it have happened and still be truth?

Actress Karen Gillan

Let’s say Jesus was sent to our planet as an ambassador from the Kingdom of God. Why? To show us “the way, the truth, and the light.”  He died but then materialized in spirit form, and returned to where he came from. If Jesus Christ was actually proposing an alliance between God and humankind then wouldn’t this constitute an eco-political cosmic event of world magnitude? This celestial proposal could change the world!

So I want what he wants. I want to manifest the Kingdom of God with this kind of government on Mother earth. I want to make our world a heaven. I want to help transform the planet. If I have to align myself with a strange personified God-being, Jesus the Christ, then that’s what I’m doing. I want to play this game of life by celestial rules!

So ask yourself, “What if it’s all true? What if it is real?”

Now does it have something to do with you?


If you think like me, please write. Hey, write me if you don’t! 🙂

––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ♥ Heart Thought –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Straight from the big black book:

Fotosearch_k10149770Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.” John 18:36 NIV Bible
“But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world." John 8:23 NIV Bible
Read more about this topic in the
author’s book:  The Celestial Proposal on Amazon!


4 thoughts on “HE DIED FOR US. SO WHAT?

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  1. Does the Bible actually teach that Jesus died on the cross, and then merely “returned in spirit form”, or did He truly rise from the dead, in a resurrected physical body?

    ….Eliminating Jesus’s atonement for sin from the cross, and regarding Him as really just some type of “Ascended Master” certainly isn’t anything new, and all such concepts of the “ancient alien gospel” were around long before guys like Sitchin or von Daniken. This was the essence gnostic teaching and occult beliefs at the time of Jesus, going back all the way to Nimrod and Babylon, and even the exploits of the Fallen Ones before the Flood (the real hybrids. Jesus wasn’t a hybrid in the same sense)

    Jesus teaches forgiveness of sin through belief in Him, Faith in God, and the hope of Resurrection. Lucifer teaches “enlightenment” and spiritual evolution, which was the original lie told back in the Garden. I do wonder what all may have transpired in your own life which served to repel you from the former, and convince you to accept the latter…


    1. Oh my goodness! I don’t reject the clear teaching from scripture, I embrace and enhance it! Please note that I don’t eliminate Jesus’s atonement for our sin. But what the heck does the word “atonement” mean to most people? You and I know what it means. I just don’t think using religious terminology will help convince anybody of the good new (“the gospel”). Yes, Jesus save us! Jesus Christ (as an otherworldly ambassador) brought us a Celestial Proposal (to immortality and an invitation to a heavenly realm)!

      The bible says that Jesus Christ died on the cross and was resurrected in human form. His followers did recognized him. But then He cautioned them not to touch him, because he hadn’t teleported to his home in the cosmos yet (or hadn’t yet ascended into heaven). Later, he walked through walls, and disappeared at will. That is not a physical body!

      You and I agree, Jesus was “the only begotten son of God,” so he wasn’t just another prophet, he wasn’t cloned, nor part angelic, but his biological-celestial makeup came from a union between a perfect human egg from his mother Mary, and the “male” sperm from an extraterrestrial/alien (or heavenly father), resulting in the birth of a human/god-being; literally the Son of our God.

      Enlightenment, spiritual evolution? What is the purpose for our life anyway? The writings of Sitchin, Van Daniken, don’t negate what’s written in the Bible at all. They fill in the gaps before the bible was written!

      Jesus Christ teaches love; surrender to a higher intelligence and moral celestial law: an expansion outward.
      Lucifer (Satan, the devil) teaches greed, oppression of others for personal gain, contraction inward.
      I don’t know all of it, but this is what I believe. Yet, I think we’re still on the same page. ☺


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