I know I challenge you at times to cross some bridges….and some of my blogs take you into strange perspectives, but today, this blog has 565 followers and counting!
I started writing about my crazy-Christian-belief-system a long time ago and it’s been an amazing journey.  So I just want to THANK YOU for coming along with me on my grand spiritual adventures.

From isolated wilderness living to world traveler; from a timid fundamental Christian to a trailblazing evangelist; I thank God he’s been there for me along the way.

To those brave souls who dialogue with me by posting comments; thank you for sharing heart to heart.  I choose challenging topics to get people to think and I‘m so happy to hear from you. I am learning from your wisdom too.
And if you’ve HIT THE  LIKE BUTTON even once, I want you to know you’ve made my day. The efforts in writing each post are worth it then! You’re part of MY TRIBE. 
I feel your hug, that pat on the back and it’s good. 
Kelowna Daily Courier
For those special people who have read my book, I’m honoured. We’ve connected in our search for truth, in our desire to find God, and Spirit, and Jesus – in a swamp of religiosity. We’re putting the puzzle pieces together by piece and it’s beautiful.
If you haven’t read my book you can see 5-Star reviews on,, or order it through your local bookstore, Barnes and Noble, in paperback copy or get it on your tablet with a free Kindle app.
If you'd like a personal autographed copy I'll ship it to you direct with a credit card purchase here: ($16.95CAD+5.00 shipping)

 So thanks for following me. I'm singing to God with gratitude in my heart for finding you! Colossians 3:16

#FaithasPower #BecomeSuperntural #inChrist #God’sWord #GodisGood # #Christianity #GodsPlan #inGratitude #TheCelestialProposal

* Excerpts and links of this material may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jane Catherine Rozek and website.


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  1. Jane, so nice to see you here! I haven’t been keeping up with anyone…Just had a flash of inspiration today of a Blog to write…But Jennifer’s Joy is coming together in the revision process…I’m so excited about Michelle Barker speaking on Saturday, encouraging us.
    Blessings, Susan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Susan. I’m eager to read Jennifer’s Joy, your third book when it comes out! Your last two in the series made Jennifer’s struggles to overcome abuse in her life so real to me. See you this Saturday. Blessings back!


    1. Your encouragement is valued highly and I thank you. Some ministers I’ve known couldn’t accept my non-traditional apologetic defense of Christianity! But if we don’t relate God’s word to our modern world today, I’m afraid it’s going to be lost in the next generations. Your blog is similar and full of common sense spirituality and those posts feed me!


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