Nobody wants to be religious anymore…but we all want to be spiritual! WHAT IS GOING ON? Outside the physical organization of churches, millions of people try to clothe themselves in spirituality while staunch Christian denominations condemn those same new age beliefs.

Traditional Christianity and its elitist point of view cause division while we are supposed to love all people as Jesus commanded. I am a Christian filled with love and so I have to be inclusive and accept all kinds of followers on their journey seeking a God personal enough to empower them. Yes, I believe the shortest road on that journey is through aligning ourselves to Jesus Christ, but certainly, that is easier for those of us raised in the Judeo-Christian culture of the western world.
So instead of judging others, we need to ground those with New Age philosophy to the very biblical foundations their beliefs are based on; loving a God who exists in all creation, loving others as themselves.
I’m not convinced Christianity has to be exclusive. Besides, I think It’s exciting to watch people get hungry for Spirit, those who seek a deeper, moral kind of life, who try to put love and universal standards within their hearts!
The apostle Paul was quoted as saying:

I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I Corinthians 9:22

Because after all Jesus Christ left this planet and returned to the celestial heavens of his Father. He came and went and just as he promised, he sent back some sacred metaphysical essence he called Holy Spirit. Maybe he didn’t actually want to be worshipped as a historical figure at all! He pointed us to God. He was the Son of God, the ambassador from God, to show us the way to love God through our alliance with Holy Spirit.

I will send you Holy Spirit to guide you in all things so you may have peace... John 14:26-27

Let’s open our minds to view a new perspective of the old biblical truths! I’m an author who loves to write to un-churched, spiritually hungry people to help them connect to God in our space-age of the new 21stcentury. That’s why I use non-religious terms in my book, The Celestial Proposal.

“Spirit…an invisible counsellor designed to form an inner intimate fusion within our minds. An otherworldly essence taking up residence within us? This would be kind of scary. Yet access to Spirit is supposed to assist us in developing the spiritual maturity to become a subspecies of the God Kind.”  

Chapter 1, A Bold New Perspective, pg. 6.   Review the book

A subspecies of the God Kind? Yes, I’m downloading Spirit as a new operating system to guide me to become a child of God. How about you?

Sacred Spirit – download this new operating system to become a child of God! www.JaneCatherineRozek.com   click to tweet

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* Excerpts and links to this material may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jane Catherine Rozek and TheCelestialProposal.com website.

6 thoughts on “WHAT’S A NEW AGE CHRISTIAN?

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  1. I can’t comment on your book as I haven’t read it Jane, but just to clarify, Jesus didn’t say he had become all things to all people, that was Paul, and he was referring to ways of spreading the gospel, not the centrality of the gospel message itself. May God guide you as you seek to share biblical truth with others.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Sara for correcting my reference. You are so right, it was Paul who said that, not Jesus! But still, perhaps we can be like Paul and try to reach all kinds of people without judgement. Rest assured I remain true to the Christian faith: that Jesus was sent down from heaven with a new message on how to LOVE and by his sacrifice He ransomed us from this world’s present darkness making an immortal life possible after this one. God wants to adopt us, He loves us.
      ….I just like to present it so non-churched people can understand it! 🙂 P.S. Thanks for commenting, I love chatting with people.


  2. New Age Christianity…I like the idea. Not doing away with traditional Christianity, just seeing so much more into it. Perhaps also we are in a new age now when God can reveal himself better with this new enlightened thinking. Very cool. Thank you for the post.


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