Searching for happiness is like chasing rainbows! You end up searching all over and you never find the start of it. How can you make yourself happy?

“Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue. One must have a reason to be happy.” Viktor Emil Frankl, in Mans Search For Meaning, instructs us in wisdom. He says happiness is like laughter. If you want somebody to laugh, you have to provide a reason to laugh. You can’t tell someone to laugh and expect it to be real. There must be a reason.

Happiness is the same, it’s a result of something else.

Happiness a by-product of our behavior!     CLICK TO TWEET

But how do you MAKE it happen?

To gain real happiness, you must set a higher spiritual objective, dream a dream, have a vision, or set a goal because the closer you get to achieving that goal, the happier you become.

Even the tiny steps you take along the way result in small doses of happiness bursting forth in your brain.

So dare to dream and your joy will download by increments along your path!

 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. John 15:10-12 NIV

"Like everyone else, my pursuit in life was to find happiness. Health and wealth would, of course, be wonderful to have, but I wanted to discover the secret of inner joy and serenity, and to live a fulfilling life... (But) The Great Ones know that in order for us to have abundant lives, we must first learn how to love."  The Celestial Proposal, Chapter 10, The Celestial Standards of Morality, pg.115.

♥ Here, go ahead. Open it. I’d like to give you two chapters of my book to read for FREE!  If you like it, buy it on Amazon. It would make a wonderful Christmas present for those you care about.

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#Co-create #Manifest #Motivation #Inspiration #Happiness #Morality #PowerToChange #Vision

* Excerpts and links to this material may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jane Catherine Rozek and website.


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  1. Thanks for your very clear and truly helpful advice. You make it seem easy if we follow the plan.
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