Clashes of interest boil up like volcanos all over the world, and why is this happening? The truth? Governments have less power than the major corporations that exist in each country. Because international corporations lobby their governments for one thing: to make even more billions of dollars for their businesses! Money is their god.

I live in Canada. Do you know, when I visit the States, the news on world events is not the same? It’s slanted. There is fake news. We met a young woman from Sweden the other day, and even her news media gives yet another perspective on world events. In the last few years, we’ve traveled to Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Asia, and Australia. In each country, the citizens we talk to are patriotically influenced by their government’s unique slant on national news.

But it is all canned propaganda designed to release steam out of the pressure cooker our societies have become. National politics no longer focus on the problems at home; they are too busy representing the interests of their industrial and military corporations headed by the wealthy to increase their wealth. Governments today are not operating for the people but for corporate interests.

Our world is too small to fight over ideologies based on national greed.

Fotosearch_k10149770For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Timothy 6:10 NIV Bible

Money is not the problem, but the LOVE of it is. That is WHY we have political violence all over the world. But take heart. Perilous times also point to positive transformations. Earth’s humanity is on the brink of revolutionary changes. All across the planet, universal moral standards are finally being recognized. Can you feel it, too?

So don’t buy the lies you hear. Search for the story behind the stories you see on your national TV news. Turn to other news outlets. Let’s stick up for the truth.

I have hope for the humanity of the people on our planet. Because no matter what political or religious viewpoint we hold, we can still fill our immediate world with light!

And you, the reader, know in your heart that that looks like love.

#PoliticalViolence #CorporateGreed #LoveOfMoney #mediapropaganda #forthePeople

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    1. The greatest gift that God gave us is Free Will. The best we can do is judge people (and government policies, news agencies, etc.) by the FRUITS of their SPIRIT. Every Bible tells us “…by their fruit you will recognize them.” (Matthew 7:15-20) And the fruits of the spirit are ​beautiful human traits!

      “…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23) Wouldn’t the world be a wonderful place if these traits were prevalent in politics?


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